Friday, 30 November 2018

I’ve waited 26 years to be able to get my own puppy. Reddit, meet Odin!

This dog throwing ball on the beach

I’m kind of self conscious, but couldn’t help but share this photo, so much love!

Those ears

A Tibetan Mastiff puppy

Tiny gremlin at just over a pound.

Nothing better than a dream about a warm plate of milk

The two faced cat

Cute tug of war!

Grandpa watches his grandson make his NHL debut

This look of pure love from my best boy.

🤫 🤫 they think i m one of them !

Golden Boye has a crush on his Vet. Can’t wait for her to come back.

My little guy is 10 Months old today!

Baby cheetah with mohawk

Downtown doggo

She meows until I let her do this

No one needs a tusk except an elephant

Porcupine wants a belly rub.

The Happiest Foxes

Rhino comes up for a belly rub

When Bree hears his favorite human returning home

He grew up with two cats....!!!

Snek is thirsty

My cat made a smug and sweet entrance into the camera frame

That pizza looks good! Can I try?

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are.”

11/10 would cuddle

Grandma’s pupper loves when the new hay rolls get delivered

This otter explains us how to pet her...

My bf and dog when they play a video game 🥰

Thursday, 29 November 2018

My child is so cute, the more I look at it, the more I like it


Nothing to see here human

This guy's dog on the subway


Emotional thumper cables

I’ve waited 26 years to be able to get my own puppy. Reddit, meet Odin!

Cute duck.

Thank you for these heart filling gifs I've saved over this year

One hot dog, please

"WTF, that's not yours!!"

Once your run into a window, you have trust issues.

¨He eats, He sleeps, But most importantly he hold his own feets.¨

This photo is from 1955, it was called "a few seconds before happiness"

You can’t see me but I can see you!

9 year old girl and massive Steph Curry fan writes asking why there are no girls shoes available. The response is pure gold

This stray kitten I found a year ago today turned out to be one beautiful cat.

My painting of Corgi butts!! Such floof!
